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Post news RSS 3DDMR Demo now live on Steam!

ISG are proud to announce - the 3DDMR demo is now live on Steam!

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Fresh from the Neon Dunjun, Mr. Robot returns in the third dimension - with a STEAM DEMO!

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3D Don't Die, Mr. Robot is a heart pounding bullet hell dodge 'em up from veteran arcade developers Infinite State Games, and they're proud to announce the launch of a demo for the Steam Next Fest 2023.

In the demo you get the full Arcade Mode of 3D Don't Die, Mr. Robot plus leaderboards to compete in, How long can you survive in the Neon Dunjun?

Check out the demo from our store page, and why not give it a cheeky wishlist while you're there! Store.steampowered.com

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