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Post news RSS #2 What's Happening on Planet

What we're going for with our on planet gameplay is akin to Diablo 1 mixed with Metroidvania. Randomly generated levels full of things to explore and aliens to murder. We're currently plugging away on the random level generator...

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What we're going for with our on planet gameplay is akin to Diablo 1 mixed with Metroidvania. Randomly generated levels full of things to explore and aliens to murder. We're currently plugging away on the random level generator.

After recovering from a massive crash, progress is being made again. Through testing we've been working on issues with blind jumping on planet and the algorithm for random generation. The goal is to have a cohesive gameplay experience with a balance of jumping puzzles, combat and exploration. They will also scale in difficulty as you get deeper into the galaxy.

We haven't started art yet so it's a wild wonderland of blocks and Unreal Engine default assets:

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- Stephen

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