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Jestercraft Game development crafts & Stories Game studio from Jyväskylä, Finland. We craft games and tell the stories of those journeys. CRAFT & PUBLISH TIMELESS GAMES We aim to develop & publish games which do not suffer from the erosion of time. When getting back to our games after years, you can still enjoy it. Hand-crafted, simple, yet meaningful game mechanics and stories. SHARE KNOWLEDGE We don't be ashamed of our failures, instead, we share those for everyone to learn from. Every game project is an adventure of its own, we love to tell stories of those. GROW LIKE MINDED COMMUNITY We want to offer a place for anyone to meet people interested in making and/or playing games. People, who are willing to offer a helping hand, when they're able.

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Jestercraft is now on IndieDB

Jestercraft Blog


The official IndieDB channel for Jestercraft is now active! Why we decided to do our own account here, is to gain feedback from the IndieDB community to our on-going project(s).

We are currently developing a game which carries a project name: Superube. The game is available on Itch.io and you can play it here: Jestercraft.itch.io

We will make the game soon available here as well. It would be really nice to hear your thoughts on the project, especially the controls and the feel of the game.

And lastly, a short info what is Jestercraft:

We develop games of our own for pure entertainment, but we also focus on various of areas of games, gaming and gamification. We offer tournaments for other games, help organizations to use gamification in their businesses and we teach others to make games as well. So basically we work heavily around games! The company is fresh and we are currently building our products and the whole system as we speak. You can learn more here: Jestercraft.com