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TheCeLL87 Blog

I am the InsurgentCeLL.

You may also know me as CeLL or TheCeLL87 ... or if u like starcraft, Centurion87 (its an old name)

Yeah, umm what am I like... hmm hmm hmm...

Well here is some basic info about me:

RealActualName(fake): Bob
Country of origin: China
Country u live in rite now: Canada eh?
Mods working on: nil
bgf: 833ds
# of telephones present in your house (cellphones dont count) : 3
Keyboard length: 46 cm
Computer Mouse or Actual Mouse: Computer mouse
Occupation: Russian General
Cowness: 0%
Humanness: 99%
List of All his games: Starcraft I and II, CnC Generals, Rise of Nations, Age Of Empires II, Rome Total War, Medieval II Total War, Europa Universalis III
Favorite Games: Starcraft I and II, CnC Generals, Europa Universalis III
Favorite mods: Rise of the Reds (ZH), Blitzkrieg II (ZH), Death and Taxes (EU3), Stainless Steel (M2TW)
Fireplace in home: Yes
# of Nuclear and Biological ICBMs stored in basement: 12
Biological - Nuclear Ratio: 7 : 5
Favorite Food: PAAASTAAAAA and dumplings
Granola bars consumed: 104.2
Death or Die: Rock and rollllllllllllll (Does ANYONE get that reference?)
Lightbulbs "replaced": 32
Jihads or Crusades: Jihads because no one goes on crusades anymore wtf that's so uncool and old
Doornobs stolen: too many to count. It must be at least like... five
Age : It says somewhere...
Opinion on politics: Ron Paul all de way
least favorite guys: The leaders of EA Games (thanks for ruining CnC. But, if you make CnC Free2play good, you wont be my least favorite) (UPDATE: Screw you guys you totally cancelled it you bastards)

NOTE: I have absolutly no relation with the "cell" guy from dragonballsZ. I dont even know who he is until someone pointed it out.