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What's in it for developers?

Developers Get your game ideas out there – showcase your project pitches to a dedicated, core gaming community and get feedback on your plans. Talk directly to the people who could be the ones to fund or buy your game, and start building momentum behind your game idea.

After 28 days on the Collective feedback platform, if it's clear that the community supports your idea you could find funding direct from the crowd via our partnership with Indiegogo

Each project pitch submitted goes through an evaluation phase to ensure ideas sit within the submission parameters, and if the community backs your ideas we'll work with you on a due diligence process to give the community reassurance that you have the expertise and tools you need to create the game you're planning to – plus we'll use our experience of bringing games to market to help you work out how much you'll need to raise to make it a reality.

If for any reason you don't make it through this due diligence phase, we'll give you feedback on why, or what you might need to add – so whatever happens you get something you can work with.

Submitting a pitch is free, although you will need to accept some terms and conditions. Collective encourages an open development process, and as much transparency and communication with the community around decision-making during the development phase as possible.

Plus - you could have the chance to work with some of the older Eidos IP from our back-catalogue – currently Gex, Fear Effect and Anachronox. If you have any questions or feedback, let us know.

What's in it for the community?

Community This is your chance to shape games development and champion ideas that you'd like to become reality. The rise of crowdfunding platforms have pushed the concept of gamer choice to a new level, and Collective allows you to use your voice – but with the reassurance that before a project goes through to the funding stage, it'll be checked and helped by our team to confirm that the scope of the pitch is in line with the team's ability and ambition to create, as well as utilising our experience of game production to attach realistic budgeting plans.

When a pitch goes live, you'll have 28 days to decide if you think it'll make a good game, and get involved in the feedback process. Then, if that idea receives enough support, we'll check it out – and if the team is good to go, we'll open it up for crowdfunding via our partnership with Indiegogo – which is your chance to get in early and help to get the game you want to play into development.

Plus, if a game is funded, you can continue to be part of the development process, with regular updates from the team making it – and maybe even the chance to help take tough or key design decisions too.

The concept has been shaped by feedback from the development community over the past few months, and now we want to hear your thoughts – so send questions and opinions to us direct.

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Square Enix Collective joins the 2016 awards

Square Enix Collective joins the 2016 awards


Square Enix Collective announce their huge prize for a lucky developer or team in the 2016 Indie of the Year Awards.

Spellstrike is on Square Enix Collective!

Spellstrike is on Square Enix Collective!


If you like strategic battles and collectible card games, check out the latest pitch in Square Enix Collective: Spellstrike.

Carta Nova – A Collectible Card RPG featured on Square Enix Collective

Carta Nova – A Collectible Card RPG featured on Square Enix Collective

Carta Nova

Carta Nova, a Collectibe Card RPG, is open to feedback on Square Enix Collective. Players can give suggestions and vote to give their support for indie...

Sakura Matou
Sakura Matou - - 8,388 comments

Yeah I read over this when you showed it to me earlier when we were talking, I wish more big name companies would do things like this.

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