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We are an ant with an important mission, to collect food and fuel in the middle of a dangerous planet, but he is not alone, he has help from two super abilities that he acquires when he starts his journey.

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DevBlog #11 - UI


Guess what? in this new post we are going to present you our UI, we are very excited about it, so first we will start by presenting you our flowchart.


Now that you have an idea of how our UI is constituted, we present some images of the screens of our prototype.

Prototipo 1

This was our first progress and implementation inside the game engine, here we started to make some tests, to continue developing it, and to know if we needed to remove or add something.

First update

Here are our final screenshots, this was the result after several tests.

Final screens

An interesting fact is that we have UI Meta!!! this means that when we receive damage from enemies, red marks appear on the screen, giving much more immersion to the game making it much more interesting.

UI meta

Maybe you have already noticed the graphics in the lower left side, they are the buttons of the skills!!! here are the animations so you can appreciate them much better.

This is the super strength animation, when we activate it, the animation starts to run and the character's strength is boosted.

Strength Animation Final

This is the super speed animation.

Velocity Final Animation

Thank you for your time!!!

Nova Interaction Studio

Nova Interaction Studio Logo

DevBlog #10 - Logo

DevBlog #10 - Logo


We finally bring you the logo in this new post!!!!

DevBlog #9 - Level Design

DevBlog #9 - Level Design


Join us to see our Level Design for The Lost Legacy!!!.

DevBlog #8 - 3D Models Enemies

DevBlog #8 - 3D Models Enemies


In this new post we bring you the enemies, I bet you weren't expecting this!!!!.

DevBlog #7 - Introduction to our Main Character

DevBlog #7 - Introduction to our Main Character


In this new update we are going to introduce you to our main game character.

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