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StickAvalancheRX (Stick Avalanche Remix) is a casual arcade game with an online leaderboard. This game isn't exactly easy as it looks. Currently the game is still going through prolonged testing, and will be publicly availible soon. The aim of the game is to run, and dodge, either the falling triangles, phuck ups and/or power ups. Based on the crazy 2000, Stick Avalanche flash game, we aim to recreate everything, but making it more... PG-13. To be released with in the next month or two. Our goal is to make the game as hard as possible for you guys, but still possible of course. As it's your responsibility as the player to defeat our... challenges. (Requires Internet to play, as the game constantly talks to the Server.)

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Hey, fellow Stickpeople.

Today, I'm here to present to you, StickAvalancheRX. A current side project of mine since the start of my other major project which is getting an overhaul at the moment. Let me summarize this game for you, for those who don't know the original game, that is being recreated here in SARX. And incase you're wondering RX stands for Remix.

Basically, you dodge falling triangles, which can be squares. 32x32 shapes falling from the sky. Your job is to dodge it. Gain 2 points for every triangle that falls. Of course, you must wait until that triangle disappears off the screen before you get those points. Another thing that is very neat about this, we're introducing Phuck ups. Similar to power ups, they all give you extra points but they will affect the gravity, or change the game in a state, you'd most likely not want to be in. In the pictures included you will see 2 differnt Phuck ups... And of course while playing under the influence of Phuck ups you will notice your dynamic gravity may change. Who knows!

Anyways, this game will require internet to play, as it talks to the server constantly. (almost like a one sided conversation...)

Anyways, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

StickAvalancheRX Beta Screens StickAvalancheRX Beta Screens StickAvalancheRX Beta Screens StickAvalancheRX Beta Screens StickAvalancheRX Beta Screens

Yupe, that concludes it. And where you see Acidbarrel there, that is the latest name in the #1 slot on the leader boards.

Anyways... Cheers,
David "Duke-Nightmare" Cluett

Captain-Arse - - 467 comments

nice humour, tracking xD

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