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Everything returns & repeats again... LIKE A BOOMRANG!



Based in Canada

Release date:
March 29 2023



Available From:
Free - Steam


Planet Earth, an epsilon of the universe or even less. After the creation of many origins, finally, the HUMANS have been created. Humans befriended all other creatures because of their good adjectives. But, one day a soul extract hunter, hunted a human and extracted the human's soul & injected it into itself. The hunter achieved great power. Soon after that other creatures find about it and tried to kill humans to get their power. The power was almost impossible to control! after a while, these creatures have gone mad and became thirsty for power, they lost their minds and tried to kill each other or even themselves to extract extra souls to get more power! Following this, the human race extinct, and all creatures who injected humans souls died. Only one man from the stynex race was able to control the human soul's power, but because of the great power he achieved, he became a tyrant king and ruled the Nevermore island. after a while, suddenly, a meteorite landed on Nevermore island, all of the people of Nevermore island lost their memory because of the meteorite effect. nobody knows what happened after this! Several years passed since the meteorite incident, still, another cruel king rules the Nevermore island, like the man from the Stynex race, he injected the last human soul extract and was able to control the power. Only a human is powerful enough to defeat this king and free the people of Nevermore island. But how? The humans race been extinct many years ago... at these mad times, you have been chosen by The Great Calnir to free the people of Nevermore island and end this madness. YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! The story follows in the game I can't say more, or it will be spoiled! The story is dynamic, it changes by your choices and actions in the game.


I've started game development 3 years ago. when I was learning I've created 2 games. I've always liked games in the RPG genre and always wanted to create games in this genre so I decided to do it!


  • 2D
  • RPG
  • PixelArt
  • Funny
  • Soulslike


Parasight Trailer YouTube


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Monetization Permission

Salemir allows for the contents of Parasight to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from Parasight is legally & explicitly allowed by Salemir. This permission can be found in writing at https://www.indiedb.com/games/parasight/presskit.

About Salemir

Hi! My name is Amir 18yo, I'm a solo indie developer, currently working on my last game, the name is Parasight. I love developing games, I've created 2 other games when I was learning developing games.

More information
More information on Salemir, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Parasight Credits


presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks