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OreSome is a 2D strategy game about ore -- exploring space for it, fighting aliens for it, blowing up planets with it. Build a network of frames and bots to defeat your enemies -- or just throw a sun at them. In a dying, decrepit universe full of foes, build up your forces and mine your way to the top of the food chain to explore further and further out into the void. By the time you're ready, you'll be powering light speed jump drives with stars, building Death Star style super weapons with black holes and in charge of the largest scale mining operation ever known to man -- all working for one of humanity's least scrupulous corporations -- and there's a lot of competition.

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Changelog (Last Version 0.63) (Games : OreSome : Forum : Game Discussion : Changelog (Last Version 0.63)) Locked
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Jan 13 2013 Anchor

Thought I'd start adding these here as soon as patches are sent to Desura.

Added Autosave frequency option
Fixed Several crash bugs
Improved AI efficiency - should be quite a dramatic effect in some situations, allowing for larger battles
Improved Bioform effect efficiency when in 'angry' state
Improved Pulsar effect efficiency

Fixed Message canister related crashes
Added Sound effects on ore pickup
Improved Waypoint markers made more readable

Fixed Debris/Quest objects not loading in properly
Fixed Recycler frame slowing game to a crawl
Fixed Weird physics bugs, including invisible planets and stars
Fixed Minor bugs

Fixed Blaster beam flashing
Fixed Empty universe generation
Fixed Music looping oddly on game over

Added Sentinel, Modular Destroyer ships from sssuperguy
Added Improved auto mining AI
Added Slow frame auto healing
Balance Builder build range +50%
BaIance Increased builder hopper size
Balance Booster bot active ability cost -50%
Improved General efficiency
Improved Beam effects less likely to do odd 'flashes'
Improved Buffer bot heal effect more subtle
Improved AI's use of carrier frames
Improved Powered hardpoint effect more efficient and less distracting
Fixed Bombard frame crash on firing
Fixed Hopper frame into star crash
Fixed Gui crash bug issues
Fixed Bad planetoid loading - some sprites didn't appear, some physics objects were loaded incorrectly
Fixed Mission beacons sometimes led nowhere
Fixed Dropping ship plans now centre on cursor

Added Portal part frames - only accessible with cheats currently, will be used in campaign to complete game
Added ability to change planning mode key
Added AI will use Shield Ram and Mining Frame more effectively
Added Large bioform AI far less likely to ram stars
Fixed Wrong number of research points required bug
Fixed Planning mode checks research before allowing purchase
Fixed Various minor bugs

Added Community submitted ship 'LawnMower' by ataaron
Added Early version of Planning Mode (Y key when Research bought from pink research tree). Will be expanded later, currently allows single player purchasing of whole plan designs instead of having to buy individual components.
Fixed Builder death issues
Fixed Crash involving certain planet names
Fixed Research canister save/load issues

Added Rebuy hotkey ('F' by default)
Added Reset shipyard button in pause menu
Fixed Options menu items going off screen in some resolutions
Fixed Ram, bombard particle effects
Fixed Star loading causing multiple invisible black holes to be spawned

Changed Allowed blaster bot to target enemies even when undocked (if unselected)
Improved Reduced 'zone' frame effects to be less distracting
Balance Later research cost significantly reduced
Balance Frame and bot costs significantly reduced
Balance Bot abilities consume ore more slowly
Balance Powered up Planetary Engine frame's produced force, reduced ore cost of use
Balance Reduced spawn rate slightly of enemy mobs
Fixed Planetary Engine particle effects

Added Suns and planet generation in multi-player - work in progress and quite buggy still (e.g. asteroids that break up spawn different things for different players)
Added Activated bots in multi-player become owned by discovering player
Improved Bot and frame hopper issues in multi-player
Improved Various minor issues and efficiency
Fixed Chat text position when zoomed

Added Loading from in game menu
Added Ore drops in multiplayer
Fixed Shipyard load fix
Fixed Sound settings requiring restart
Fixed Ore drop efficiency

Fixed IP Connect for multiplayer - should now function correctly online as long as port 14242 is forwarded correctly at server end
Fixed Crash related to blower bot firing in multiplayer

Added Lidgren auto port forwarding, may reduce issues caused by port 14242 being closed
Fixed minimisation in multiplayer not being retrievable
Fixed various issues with IP text entry

v0.50 (Version Number Jump)Added EXPERIMENTAL MULTIPLAYER. Currently allows up to 4 players, with access to all bots and frames from the single player. The rest of the items in the game will be added over time. You'll find that this first version is buggier than a vast bugs' nest of giant bugs all bugging out together, but that too will change rapidly. LAN play certainly works, and internet based IP connect may work for some, depending on player's PC and router settings. Updates should be back to being more frequent from now on.

Added Cooldown for bonder bot grav missile to prevent accidental discharge
Added Journal text for several undocumented features
Improved OreStruck sprites
Fixed Yellow tech tree journals
Fixed Refinery framerate when many refineries in use
Fixed Crash when physics body is dropped inside another physics body
Fixed Bots in active control channels correctly turn towards mouse
Fixed Rare crashes

Added Refinery frame
Added Asynchronous (partial) sector generation
Added Asynchronous saving - no more massive hitch when autosaving
Added Drifter explosion effect
Added Canister identification improvements to the map screen - hover over a sector to show canisters discovered
Balance Yellow tech tree reordered and condensed
Fixed Waypoint arrow visual bug
Fixed Shields causing massive stutter
Fixed Main quests skipping first Badlands quest

Added Allowing easier building. Frames can be picked up and rotated with build circles.Hold left click for a short time to grab
Added Probes rotate when in frames to match entry orientation. Can be used to set up eternally spinning devices or similar
Added Tracking of total population killed for future story purposes
Changed Black hole particle effect to be more obvious
Improved Particle effect efficiency
Improved Low level bioform AI efficiency
Fixed Waypoint indicator zoom issues
Fixed Purple flash on game start

Changed Reduced shop aggressiveness
Changed Increased yellow nebulae cycle rate
Changed Increased anchor frame stopping power
Changed Increased planetoid deceleration
Changed Increased weld joint ridigity
Changed Initial access to first connect frame - part of future changes to make early frames more accessible
Balance Command, Battle, Freighter frame pricing tweaked
Fixed Camera smoothing
Fixed Drill free floating ore collected
Fixed Removed non essential debug messages
Fixed Buttons needing two clicks initially
Fixed Minimise making gui transparent

Added Options menu is accessible in game
Added Controls menu screen entries glow when being editted
Added Load slot shows date for easier identification

Added Superweapon steam, star charge, stasis effectsBalance Research levels for orange, purple, cyan, pink take far fewer kills to achieve - 1 for Level 1, then 3, 9, 27 and 81 for following levels
Changed First main quest has a selection of new frames to be grabbed, making it easier to get an early ship together
Fixed Bonder sinkhole ability bug
Fixed Breaker bots triggering music
Fixed Wall beams moving weirdness

Added Superweapon effects (just a few cosmetic effects left now)Added bioform beam and attack effects
Fixed Binder bot beams now correctly removed when target bot dies

Added Many new particle effects for bioforms
Added Moving eyes for bioform bosses
Fixed Asyncronous save corruption

Added Lidgren networking library for eventual multiplayer
Added Option to allow drill to fire straight - holding mode modifier key (shift by default) allows the previous turning ability
Added EM convert particle effect
Changed Tutorial text changes to make it clearer how to do certain tasks
Changed Made a command frame available to be found early on to teach players about controlling frames
Changed Planet shadows more pronounced
Changed Ore graphics more subtle, less neon
Balance Probe price reduced to 10 Green 1 Pink ore from 10 Pink
Improved Swarm bot efficiency
Fixed Death screen alerts when a save cannot be loaded instead of displaying default text
Fixed Tentacle physics bodies not being cleared up on death
Fixed Swarm bots don't overshoot their target

Added New Wormhole flash and first few bioform particle effects
Fixed Weird catapult parts physics jiggle, better hit recognition
Improved Experimental change to region generation method, hopefully should be smoother
Improved Star and planet particle speed improvements

Added Super frame particle effects, only a handful missing now
Balance Reduced tractor beam movement and explosive wall cost to 2% (!) of previous
Fixed Several binder bot visual bugs
Fixed Rocket abilities destroying themselves when the builder is moving fast
Fixed Quests and other items spawning too close to start location
Fixed Sound death loop
Fixed Particles not updating properly in some circumstances

Added New frame particle effects - only super frames and bioforms left to replace
Fixed Command hardpoint disconnect crash
Fixed Grav frame repelling black holes when attempting to farm ore from them
Fixed Sound effect loop bug when entering menus

Added New particle effects for flash, bridger bot, solar frame
Fixed Crash due to too many particles
Fixed Region generation crash in some parts of The Edge
Improved Hitches should be less frequent and severe. More performance increases to follow shortly

Added MAJOR Particle Engine Changes - majority of effects are converted, but some remain to be readded or improved over the coming days. There may be a few new bugs here and there for the moment, but this change will allow much greater efficiency and stability in future. Many effects look nicer too, though this is not yet universal.
Added Override for XNA graphics card check - may allow those older graphics cards to play where they previously couldn'tFixed Save graphic scales with zoom properly
Fixed Game no longer restarts upon resolution change
Fixed Blaster bot should target enemies more effectively

Added Swarm Select research journal
Added Hotkey for last used ability
Improved Spawn logic, much more to do here
Fixed Building 'ghost' now correct size on all zoom values
Fixed Research screen resolution bug
Fixed Destroyed tentacle crash
Fixed Welded hardpoint 'wobble' (maybe)
Fixed Swarm Select now only needs right click to be held to work

Added Waypoint saving
Added Waypoints appear on world map
Fixed Island.Add physics bug (Possible fix - post in forums if still seen)
Fixed Waypoints not being assignable
Fixed Auto-mine load crash

Added Basic waypoint system. Waypoints don't save yet, will in next patch.
Added New research screen
Fixed Research bars wrong height
Fixed Resolution issues
Fixed Wormholes should spawn further away from other objects

Added Rudimentary 'Game Over' screen
Added Saving icon during quick and auto save
Added 'Continue' option available on main menu
Added Dumping ore into normal stars sometimes causes them to change colour
Changed More particle effects moved to new system, efficiency and memory usage improved
Changed Power frame 'pulse' to be more obvious
Fixed In game UI now resolution independent
Fixed Game didn't restart after resolution change
Fixed Research after loading crash bug

Added New research journal
Changed Asteroid ore so that red and yellow ore are more common
Changed Particle effects moving to more efficient method - should improve both processor and memory consumption (begun change, not yet complete)
Fixed Quests into gaps, not near things
Fixed Memory improvement - out of memory error should be much less likely.
Fixed Minor quest related bugs, text
Fixed Plan bugs - several bases/ships caused crashes when loaded, now functional, others minor improvements
Fixed Quest waypoint persisting after death
Fixed Three harpoints attaching together
Fixed Wormholes causing save corruption/crashes/wormholes loading attached to wrong planetoid
Fixed Wrong bot selected on load
Fixed Minor bugs and several very infrequent crashes
Fixed Right click bugs

Added Dump ore ability from ore menu
Added Research journals
Added Warning when bot full of ore - ore menu background turns red
Changed Welding hardpoints allowed when ore menu open
Fixed Command hardpoints invisible
Fixed Multiple instances of game no longer allowed
Fixed Non-English language save corruption bug
Fixed Redemption upgrade detaches binder bots on respawn
Fixed Redemption upgrade flash particle effect
Fixed Unjoint crash bug
Fixed Welded hardpoints not saving/loading

Added 'Static' mode for shipyard
Added Escape exits all menus
Added More journal entries
Added Notification opens appropriate journal item when journal opened
Added Quick save/load key rebind
Added Tooltips for buttons
Balance Overloader buffer bot ability WAY too expensive, reduced by 2500% (!)
Fixed Auto save
Fixed Bot related save corruption
Fixed Menu key rebind bug
Fixed Power sparks invisible

Added More research journals
Added Notifications, replacing rubbish white text pop ups. Further improvements to come shortly
Added Resolution support for 1920x1200
Added Rudimentary error log, created upon crash in save directory
Added Showing research points required for next unlock
Balanced Binder bot no longer requires any ore to make short range binds to other bots
Fixed Another save corruption bug
Fixed Binder graphical bug at short distances
Fixed Ore mining crash bug
Fixed Research unlocking too early

Edited by: Freelancer11

Jan 14 2013 Anchor

Nicely put v0.17 to v0.15 bravo !

Edited by: svleur

Jan 14 2013 Anchor

Good point... You saw NOTHING...

Feb 11 2013 Anchor

v 0.25 "Fixed Sound effect loop bug when entering menus" was not fixed at all.
Return to my thread for more information about this bug.

Edited by: ataaron

Aug 11 2013 Anchor

Wow, lots accomplished in 0.59. Hope Desura gets to actually letting me install the update soon. Good work

Aug 12 2013 Anchor


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