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"Welcome to your home for the next three months!"

Congratulations on passing selection. You have been granted the opportunity of a quarter year third party contract on the flagship climate facility Ice Station Zero. The first of IGNEAS international array of geoengineering projects, the facility pioneered the planetary scale solutions so desperately needed by a world in turmoil. This privilege will be your route away from the failed states of the mainlands; just three months will provide you with the skills and experience you need to improve your life and return as a productive and highly employable member of society.

The facility is undergoing massive maintenance and renovation works to coincide with it's recent partnership with The Standards Events Office and the launch of Ice Station Nine. Rumours that Ice Station Zero is under Consortium investigation or that it is being shut down are unfounded. Similarly, claims of a dangerous workplace and unethical labour practices are untrue. Unfortunately the threat of eco-terrorism and organised disobedience is very real and as such you will be working under the finest members of CASTLE Security for the course of your contract. We take the safety of our employees and contractors very seriously.

When you arrive you will be greeted by a company representative and paired with a Handler. We look forward to cooperating together for a brighter, better future.

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People solve problems in different ways but there are some fundamental skills that will always be useful when working. Your experience as a contractor on Ice Station Zero will vary, depending on your favoured methods, as will the results and your margin for error.

TALK: Excellent communication skills are expected. This will promote knowledge sharing, ensure tasks remain organised and will resolve any disputes that might occur in a fast moving work environment.

FIGHT: To carry out their duties of safeguarding personnel and property our security forces are equipped to use state of the art firearms and pacification tools as well as less-than-lethal hand-to-hand techniques.

SNEAK: In the event of a terrorist attack our staff are trained in the SILO doctrine and are instructed to escape or hide. Pay attention to Sound, Illumination, Line-of-sight and Opportunities.


HACK: A technical background is a tremendous advantage for any employee engaged with maintaining our informational security or operating machinery and systems with computerised interfaces.

CLIMB: Not all of Ice Station Zero is easy to get around. As an employee you will be skilled in vertical traversal techniques and familiar with the most common safety equipment.

DRIVE: As a trained driver you will be permitted access to several vehicles, ranging from Forklifts to Transporters, which will be leased according to the demands of the task at hand.

Environment Preview #01: Surface

Environment Preview #01: Surface


Some early development screenshots showcasing progress on one of Mandatory Overtimes main environments.

Weapons Preview #02: Grenades, Molotovs, Plastic Explosives

Weapons Preview #02: Grenades, Molotovs, Plastic Explosives


Some of the grenades, improvised weapons and explosives that Security Personnel may deploy or encounter.

Gameplay Preview #02: Inventory & Data

Gameplay Preview #02: Inventory & Data


An overview of more of the gameplay mechanics currently implemented in Mandatory Overtime.

Weapons Preview #01: Common Weapons

Weapons Preview #01: Common Weapons


Weapons most commonly employed on Ice Station Zero.

EXU_SKULLY - - 652 comments

This project is extremely interesting, you got me tracking it brother.
Keep up the good work and godbless.

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