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Hacklist is a unique and complex graphic novel in which the player will interact with the inhabitants of Nova City. Acting through the personal computer of a Nova City citizen who find itself in the middle of a conflict between the police and a mysterious criminal organization. the player will meet different characters and solve mysteries, all to discover that things in this city are not exactly as they seem.

This visual novel takes place inside an operative system, which includes a variety of APPs with well-defined functions. These allow the player to make phone calls to different characters, keep updated on the latest news, hack into different devices, and even play original music.

Equipped with this set of tools the player will be able to experience the life of a Nova City citizen, navigate through a intricate story and uncover the mysteries that hide in the heart of Nova City.

Blog: Hacklist.causticgames.com.ve

Twitter: @causticgames

Instagram: causticgames

Facebook: Hacklist

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Hacklist's New Phase


Hi guys, after Hacklist’s success at Square Enix Collective (thanks for all your support!) we’ve been taking into account all the feedback you’ve given us, and thanks to it, we’ve been able to create a new version of the game! This version fixes a few problems we had, and changing some aspects of the story.

Angi and Vel (our artists) are working on a graphic improvement of the characters and the interface of the game, and we are loving it so far. We are experimenting with a new aesthetic approach (which is something we are very proud of), we are calling it: "CyberDeco".


Although it sounds quite strange, the "CyberDeco" results from the fusion of "Art Deco", a visual style characteristic of 1920s and 30s that is associated with a hopeful view of the future and the technological progress of society, and the classic "Cyberpunk” style of the 1980’s which implies a dystopian vision of the future, and warns about the dangers of technology.

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This sketch is a sample of the new concept (we already have an alpha version of this new interface).

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We’re working on an improved script for the game that fits better with this new visual style. We’ve also incorporated some Noir elements to the narrative style, going a little deeper into the Thriller and Mystery genre. We can't wait to share it with all of you, we hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.


We are also developing new applications for the game and adding features that will improve conversations (Skall), among them: speed up or slow down the speed of text, hide the block of text to take screenshots, consult information of each character, among other things.

Finally we're planning for a Kickstarter campaign in which you can help us accelerate the project and make sure it’s available as soon as possible. We’ll keep you updated on our crowdfunding campaign very soon.

Stay alert for more news and updates on Hacklist’s development.

Hacklist it's on Square-Enix Collective!

Hacklist it's on Square-Enix Collective!


Finally, after months of hard work we managed to release a demo with which we are happy. We release it to be showcase at the Square Enix Collective monthly...

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Hello this is the link for a demo of our game. If you like it and want to support us, leave us your feedback to improve this game

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