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Millions of Miles Off Course, Thousands of Years into the Future Explore the galaxy on a mission of discovery. As a research android, your mission is to find new life and alien civilizations. Visit exotic alien landscapes as you collect relics, photograph new worlds and species, and decode the mystery of a 'Lost Race.' An accident throws a research android millions of lightyears off course and thousands of years into the future. Follow in the footsteps of an ancient civilization as you decode their language, unlocking interdimensional portals to exotic worlds. Using antigravity technology and a high-performance jetpack, you will face navigation and puzzle challenges as you explore. Collect relics, discover new species, and document your adventure. Similar to experience-based games like Journey and Abzu, the focus here is on exploration and puzzle-solving. As an observer, you will encounter alien civilizations at various stages of development. Lost in the vastness of space, y



Based in United States

Release date:
Early Access May 19 2021

PlayStation 5
PlayStation 4


Available From:
$9.99 - Steam


Explore the galaxy on a mission of discovery. As a research android, your mission is to find new life and alien civilizations. Visit exotic alien landscapes as you collect relics, photograph new worlds and species, and decode the mystery of a 'Lost Race.' An interdimensional portal of alien origin appeared mysteriously in Earths's orbit. Follow in the footsteps of an ancient civilization as you decode their language, unlocking gateways to exotic worlds. Using a nuclear-powered jetpack, you will face navigation and puzzle challenges as you explore alien landscapes and interstellar phenomenon. Collect relics, discover new species, discover the secret of the lost race. Similar to immersion games like Journey and Abzu, the focus here is on exploration and puzzle-solving. Encounter alien civilizations at various stages of development.


Exo has been in the works in one form or another for over 5 years. The project found renewed purpose as an immersive science fiction adventure two years ago. Since this time, we have been hard at work crafting worlds and inventing alien species.

We are currently PlayStation® Partners and

Currently, we have a complete game with one level in early release on Steam. We are currently adding a couple of team members and focusing on social media marketing and building branding assets.

Here is our project development schedule.

Demo - Complete

Four Level Demo - Q2 2022

Complete Game - Q4 2022

Playstation® 5, Switch®, and Steam Connect® ports - Q2 2023


  • Immersive Sci-Fi adventure
  • Unique Puzzle Based on an Alien Languuage
  • Interdimensional Portal


Exo Trailer YouTube


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Company Page
Superframe Company Page superframe.media.

About Superframe

Digital exploration company creating action and adventure indie titles! PlayStation/Unity partner

More information
More information on Superframe, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Exo: Into Starlight Credits

Greg Bowen

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks