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Available for PC, Mac and Linux!

Welcome to the IndieDB page for Downfall of the State, a game created to sate the contemporary crave for immersion within a realistic and hardcore environment. The project began as a solo effort although several months of hard work culminated in an unexpectedly successful Steam Greenlight campaign and thus sparked the need for additional team members. The team is multinational ranging from English to Italian to Lithuanian inspiring a range of ideas from culturally diverse backgrounds. After two years of intense work the project is in it's rewrite phase as a direct result of the unprecedented levels of support it received via the Steam Greenlight platform and requires your help to add the polish and detail that you - the player - deserve.


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Key Features

  • Faction based combat allows you to play from multiple perspectives and encourages a large variation in gameplay depending on the strengths/weaknesses of the factions themselves as well as the chosen campaigns, equipment and personnel.
  • Open world conquests/campaigns ensure that the options are never linear - if you decide that a tank convoy is the way to go over a conventional paratroop drop then 'so be it'.
  • Assume the position of any of your deployed units in realtime. Whilst deployed units will auto resolve battles on their own you can abandon control of a squad to control another in order to provide more convincing co-ordination.
  • The 'imperium' system represents a factions influence within a state (or province). The imperium of a state can be boosted in a multitude of ways ranging from military to diplomatic methods although each state's populous will have varying levels of hostility towards your actions.
  • Each faction isn't bound to its initial goals, if you want to flip the table and convert the U.E.F. (United Expeditionary Force) into a warmongering subjugator then you can by all means do so! The decisions you make however have differing effects rendering certain strategies more potent than others for each faction.
  • Each player begins with a signature set of gear that can be upgraded over time. However, certain combinations of otherwise inaccessible gear may be more strategically advantageous depending on the unit types.


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Key Features

  • Faction based combat allows you to play from multiple perspectives and encourages a large variation in gameplay depending on the strengths/weaknesses of the factions themselves as well as the chosen campaigns, equipment and personnel.
  • Open world conquests/campaigns ensure that the options are never linear - if you decide that a tank convoy is the way to go over a conventional paratroop drop then 'so be it'.
  • Assume the position of any of your deployed units in realtime. Whilst deployed units will auto resolve battles on their own you can abandon control of a squad to control another in order to provide more convincing co-ordination.
  • The 'imperium' system represents a factions influence within a state (or province). The imperium of a state can be boosted in a multitude of ways ranging from military to diplomatic methods although each state's populous will have varying levels of hostility towards your actions.
  • Each faction isn't bound to its initial goals, if you want to flip the table and convert the U.E.F. (United Expeditionary Force) into a warmongering subjugator then you can by all means do so! The decisions you make however have differing effects rendering certain strategies more potent than others for each faction.
  • Each player begins with a signature set of gear that can be upgraded over time. However, certain combinations of otherwise inaccessible gear may be more strategically advantageous depending on the unit types.

Faction Selection





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Main Concept

Main Concept


Middle Eastern governments have collapsed and in the wake of their demise greedy imperialist nations have swooped in to claim land for their own sakes...

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