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CHESS REALITY MMO - Online Browser game. Mix of Tower Defense, Chess, army fights, RTS, RPG, RNG. This is a real map builder MMO.



Based in Germany

Release date:
January 31 2019




Armygrid is a browser MMO game. This includes chess gameplay, tower defense gamestyle, territory with grid tiles spreading, real army fights within browser, PVP and PVE at once. No pay-2-win ! You can play among 10k players online. You can form fortress together with many players to protect against monster apocalypse or other player alliances. You can do whatever you want anywhere in the huge game world, which gets bigger by every new player. You can build towers, walls, traps, occupy fields to increase hourly production (1 grid tile = 1 field). You can make your own war near friend and spread your own territory there far away from yours.. or in any direction, at the same time, you can have so many conflicts with other players at once and be able to defend all these lands! But you have always to protect your castle from monsters apocalypse, which is never ending. Build towers, upgrade armies..


I am solving many problems with this game.

* There is no browser MMO with real army fights. All these MMO games have only report log. I needed animations of these fights!

* There is no game with chess style. I wanna see chess implementation elsewhere.

* There is no long paced game with tower defense. This is so fun to play TD, but these games end so fast!

There are way more unique experiences in this game! It starts simple, but becomes difficult with time. The winner is the smartest!

I have started programming browser-based army fights in 2015 Mai. Because i really wanted to see real army fights and probably implement them into Travian or Tribal wars. Finished stable version in 2016 November.

Then i seen, that implementation is nearly impossible, because all these games are so old, not HTML5, some are with flash..

So in 2016 Dezember i was thinking the game idea and in January i started developing my game, which includes army fights and is unique compared to current browser MMO games. This game is my dream game, which i care most. It will be a mix of everything i experienced in my gamers life. And i have plans, shortcuts and wishes to finish it as fast as i can.

I am working with this game only in my free time after my full-time work. My plan is to work with this game for ever.

Current development goes really well, and faster than i have planned. It's a web development, what i do in my work everyday. It includes best practices, many unit tests for everything, its really stable and very fast, use very small resources, works on any devise by any angle.

The biggest problem i have now - no graphics overall. I will buy them.


  • Chess implementation
  • Tower Defense
  • Runs on any devise
  • RTS, RPG mix


Official video YouTube


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

Official link armygrid.com.

About magimantas

Web developer

More information
More information on magimantas, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Armygrid Credits




presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks