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ANGRY CUB is a blend of an endless running platform game where you must jump over gaps and avoid obstacles with a platform shooter where you take your big gun and mow down loads of enemies. Acquire the best score by staying alive, shooting enemies, and pulling off airborne tricks. The angry cub starts off slow but will get faster and faster as you progress in your pursuit of the military that leads to exciting scenarios and will test your reflexes to the max.

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Angry Cub v. 0.5 Released!


From the 0.4 version there are the following changes.
- Homing missiles will spawn
- Terrain blocks appear at varying heights instead of the same level
- Added in-game crosshair
- Many bug fixes
- Adjusted overall pacing

Find it on the downloads page and send feedback please. In the next version it will playable through your browser in HTML5

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Angry Cub 0.5

Angry Cub 0.5

Demo 2 comments

Beta 0.5 version of Angry Cub only for Windows at the moment. Mac version coming next and then HTML5 version as well.

brocoio123 - - 17 comments

looks amazing

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