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Post feature RSS Shadow men got moves!

I’ve been working on some mocap for Enola using iPi desktop motion capture, and I wanted to show you a glimpse of what we’re doing with it.

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I’ve been working on some mocap for Enola using iPi desktop motion capture, and I wanted to show you a glimpse of what we’re doing with it.If you’ve played Enola, or seen the screenshots, you must know who the shadow men are. Well, if you thought they would just stand there and watch, you’re wrong. They are actually very dangerous.


Last week I had a 2 hour mocap session, and recorded a bunch of animations, including animations for the shadow men. The next video shows the iPi desktop motion capture output, and the finished animation after some clean up.

They have a few animations actually. Two of them are used in the next video. Basically they walks to the player character and grabs her head. Then you need to press all buttons like crazy to escape (this is pretty much like Fatal Frame on the Xbox, where you needed to press all the buttons and move the joystick thing to escape the ghosts). If you don’t, well, things don’t go so well.

And that’s it.

Trinitylynne98 - - 124 comments

Awesome! The shadow men freaked me out the first time I encountered them, because I wasn't sure if they could hurt me or not. I kept creeping by them until I was sure I was "safe." I'm defintely looking forward to the new update, and am going to play the whole game over again! :)

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