Since its last release, the Jailbreak! Source mod has slowly morphed into something that has totally separated it from the stock Half-Life 2 universe. While it might be a while yet before Jailbreak! is ready to come out of its cocoon, Noesis Interactive chased down two of the developers behind the mod for a quick chat. Andrew and Laura talk about the upcoming release and their specific motivations for modding in the first place — have a look:
Noesis Presents: Jailbreak! Interviews
he kept saying hire - did he mean actually pay? I dnu.
the vids look cool, particle effects and all that
but i did spy gordon freemans hands using the diagonally held little smg - unless im wrong - but it seems a bit hmmm lol -
-EDIT- ooh 1st post
oh praps not, its got fingerless gloves - looks similar anyways -
*combine ball cough*
nah good mod
I hope this doesn't become like Duke Nukem Forever, wherein they keep saying they'll release it, then delaying it because of some excuse, then delaying it again and again and again until it becomes more of a joke than anything.
As things stand at the moment we have a completely stable version of Jailbreak going through testing that is just missing some key components such as the Perk system and a bit of polish here and there. The only thing that's currently delaying release is that all of us have been going through some life changing events over the last few months (Heavy work schedule and Surgery being a couple of reasons) which has slowed us down considerably. Once these things have been taken care of fully we will be pushing for a release ASAP!
I'd also like to clarify to everyone, that this interview was conducted several months ago now, and we are now waaaay more than 1/3rd of the way through development of the mod. I'd say we're now more than 9/10ths of the way through. Big thanks to Noesis Interactive for doing this with us, was great fun!
yeah I thought the 1/3rd was a bit strange.. hehe
damn that girl is hott
Haha rainbowfish buddy, a great way to go into history Alt mate ^_^
Good stuff, interesting to hear the real voice behind Jailbreak xD
Edit: Woops why is this a reply to the rude guy...
Not at all..
DNF never saw a release, how the hell can you relate that to this?
Cool mod i guess, haven't played it yet.
Nice interview.
Videos won't load for me, i can see the preview picture and the player, but it'll load forever and won't start :(
I don't quite know why, but this reminds me a bit of timesplitters.That's a good thing tho =) Great work guys <3
You guys do some real good work! Can't wait to play the new version!
The guys voice in the video reminds me of the Geico gecko, i can close my eyes and imagine it while the video runs!
I dont care about axe hair crysis relief! I just want to watch the interview!
Wow, you have a really supportive wife, nice!