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Post feature RSS Its your turn pt2. > Quests and gameplay.

Hey everyone on moddb, and welcome to our second, Its your turn question. This time we will ask questions related to quests and gameplay, to see if you like it. and answers from emails i got from several people, so lets get started.

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One of the most unique feature of this project is the camera based gameplay. instead 1 basic camera it will use 3 completely different styles. from topview to fps mode. but how does it work?
that is the most asked question i got in most emails, so i would like to post the answer here.
The top down camera will be used in towns, villages, cities, and in normal combat. the Shoulder camera will be used in levels with no enemies or people, this is done so that everyone can view the details of the levels and have a relaxing moment.
and as final we have the FPS mode, this mode will only be used in boss battles, this is done to make boss battles more realistic and more fun.

Also magic is now divided into 3 classes, support, extreme combat and balanced.
and we added new types of weapons besides for swords, axes and daggers.

but now its time for the ITS your turn now questions.
our last one, we recieved alot of emails and they really help us ! so we decited to do it again. cause your vote counts.
so here it goes:

Should levels be big and open? with random enemy spawn points.?
would COOP mode be a good idea?
shall we add a hp bar on enemies? or make it red glowing when its almost dead?
what kind of music do you expect to be in this game?

Well that was it for this week.
I would also like to share that we are still looking for modellers and programmers. so if your interested feel free to send me a email to machine.angel@hotmail.com ! we only ask the basic knowledge of C++.

and i would like to share that we are at the GDC in 2011. there we will release the trailer movie.
and hopefully a closed beta demo. So keep watching us !

booman - - 3,661 comments

Should levels be big and open?
booman - yes, definitely, with some smaller indoor areas too. I love exploring landscapes as far as the eye can see. Its very nice to go to the edge of a world and find a secret or rewarding dungeon.

with random enemy spawn points.?
booman - Not so much random as placing enemies where it makes sense. If they just randomly respawn it will seem very computer generated. Instead it would be better to have enemies traveling alone or in groups from place to place so you can ambush them.

would COOP mode be a good idea?
Booman - cooperative gameplay is finally becoming mainstream. I love playing single player games with a friend or two. We can help eachother, heal each other and even fight each other.

shall we add a hp bar on enemies? or make it red glowing when its almost dead?
Interesting question. I would like to see a hit meter of some sort. The best option is "battle damage" like in Dark Messiah. As you hack on the enemies they get very weak and have a hard time fighting back.
Honestly, battle damage should be implicated on each character including the main character. I know it makes a game harder to play, but maybe there is a way to do it in small increments. Say if your left hand is injured, then you can't use a weapon in it until you heal that hand....

what kind of music do you expect to be in this game?
Booman - I usually turn the music off for the most realistic experience. I like music that changes when an enemy is near, but maybe music should be environmental. Depending on where you are you will hear music coming from instruments or radios in the levels.

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TheArcpendilum Author
TheArcpendilum - - 161 comments

Coop mode is partly inplanted within the engine, you can play this game ( in single player) up with 2 other friends.

as for enemies, for now we have a special waypoint system, all enemies can ""pick"" a waypoint and follow or make their own path. so a ambush is always possible,

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