The universe of the engine, consists of elements such as:
- Substance - the main elements of matter, having mass, energy and range; equivalent atoms.
- Covalence Force - The forces holding the substances in a given distance from each other, the equivalent of the muscles, bones.
- Force - The forces to moving substances; equivalent of the velocity, momentum, acceleration.
- Surface - Flat surfaces, covering the body of the object to be imposed on the substance; equivalent of the skin, walls.
- Global Force - Global forces to moving substances, which affect equally to each substance; equivalent of gravity.
- Black Hole - Object gripping each other substance, from the environment. Capable to teleport substances to the other black hole, which having a negative gravity force.
- Wave Force - The force of the wave nature, propagated from or to a source point; equivalent of the explosion, implosion, waves on water.