Our first demo of the year, which brings a whole host of fixes and polishing. Check out the full changelog below!
- Some ships icons in the inventory are misaligned, missing, or rotated incorrectly.
- UI windows might rotate and reposition the camera when scrolling or holding down the mouse.
- Some issues might persist with waypoints.
- Adjusted some camera effects for thrusting and moving.
- Redid and hooked up comparative ship descriptions.
- Adjusted freighter hangar previews.
- Distant laneline effects now have new colors and have their speeds reduced. This also means a very very very slight performance increase (you won’t notice it).
- Navigational and contact UI buttons have had their color changed. Selected items are now highlighted, inactive items
- New camera effects for lanelines.
- Players can now cancel out of full, cinematic docking cutscenes, on the rare chance they get stuck.
- Some NPC ships have had their loadouts changed for the demo.
- Missions and quests now report any cash payouts they might have, in cases where they have them.
- New cruise readout messages.
- Fixed issue where the game wouldn’t save or load properly. Saves made with 1.5 might not work properly, but saves made prior to 1.5 should.
- Fixed issue where the player could still fire and thrust when entering alternate engine and autopilot modes.
- Fixed issue where ship buying and trading wasn’t possible unless under specific circumstances.
- Fixed issue where ship icons wouldn’t appear in the player’s inventory menu.
- Fixed issue where recently bought ships would have a slight bit of damage on them.
- Fixed issue where the customization UI wouldn’t close properly or clear its icon properly.
- Fixed issue where the Speaker statue couldn’t be scanned.
- Various grammatical fixes in descriptions and dialogue.
- Fixed issue where player could eject cargo from their ship while on a station.
- Fixed issues where purchased items would malfunction in various ways, from misreporting reputation requirements to producing background errors when buying them.
- Fixed issues with out of system waypoints not working properly.
- Fixed issue where certain mission types would have mission markers persist.
- Fixed issue where the autopilot would change targets mid-dock.
- Fixed issue where the player’s skills would set certain bonuses far too high.
- Player can now more easily select buttons while on stations.
- Dronics in the Between Spaces quest will now try to kill the player all proper-like.