More laws slots and laws for Dictatorships and Autocracies. Also, new laws exclusively for non-dictatorships and new laws for government types.
For dictatorships:
a. Force Labor: increases growth and production output.
b. Free Education: increases science output.
c. Free Diplomacy: makes diplomacy free.
d. Propaganda: increases influence per population.
e. Purge: forces approval to be content. (This law requires higher levels of governing experience.)
f. Second Class Citizen: exploit alien races within your empire.
g. Gladiator: Raises happiness for original population and lowers depletion (Craver Autocracy)
h. Slave Welfare: rise happiness of slaves (Craver Autocracy)
Laws for non-Dictatorship governments:
a. Subsidies for food, industry, and science
b. Emergency Draft: increases manpower capacity and output on systems.
c. Host games: host intergalactic games that inspires patriotism and happiness.
d. Tax cuts: cut taxes for approval.
e. Purify: stop alien growth.
f. Expansion: lowers overcolonization penalties.
Republics gets a bonus for each law
Emergency Draft, Tax Cuts, Purify, and Expansion to be available to all government types.