Fixed several bugs related to mechs, submarines, etc.
Changelong V1.0.2
- Fixed Experimental Spider not being able to fire over cliff while being on a cliff, aswell other units not being able to attack while the Spider is on a cliff.
- Fixed Mechs sometimes not being able to fire at units being on cliffs
- Fixed Modular Spider constantly blinking into enemies and some graphics irregularities
- Fixed Missile Ship not being able to attack submarines and being able to attack land with torpedo
- Fixed Anti-Air Mech using LOS while it shouldn't, now it should attack air units without problem
- Some visual and audio firxes for Heavy Tank
- Fixed submarines not being able to attack other submarines
- Fixed units sometimes being able to shoot at Combat Engineer thru walls (height stuff)
- Fixed Hover Tank and Heavy Hover Tank not being able to attack air
- Fixed Experimental Gunship not being able to fire its main gun