Operation Homunculi is a stealth/horror game where you must navigate through an eerie prison. You can use mysterious stealth abilities to avoid, distract, and control the freaks of nature you find lurking in the cells and hallways — but make sure you’re not caught off guard, you can’t fight back!
Beta release update! 12/05/21
This deliverable we focused on significantly expanding our game. With the mechanics and aesthetics essentially set (for the first level, that is), we directed our attention to adding levels to fully make use of our mechanics. This was accomplished by using a modular system for level design, which made expansion very scalable. In the alpha release, we only had a prison level, but in the beta we’ve added a large warehouse/shipping level.
Additionally, we focused on making the environment more interactive by implementing puzzle adjacent elements such as switches, batteries, and pressure plates. The AI was also tweaked as needed. For aesthetics and polish, we updated some enemy models and general UI, as well as adding in a custom font. We added in a tips system too, which allowed us to streamline and improve upon player guidance.
As to the specifics regarding our goals from after the alpha, we succeeded in adding a lot more objects, especially in the warehouse scene, to really flesh out the ambience and create interesting situations. Additionally, we were able to implement the dynamic monitors with camera feed.
For the gold/final release, we want to add in a laboratory level. Additionally, we will iterate based on play-testing data from the beta release.