Original Content by Me!, I made this for Akili-Amethyst, it features all her Stained Glass Works in one book with descriptions and all...
I made this for Akili-Amethyst, it features all her Stained Glass Works in one book with descriptions and all...
Akili made an original a while back, but it was very bland so I offered to add some style to it for her and this is what came out of it, this was fun to make and helped my improve my design skills in both MS Word and Photoshop when I made some of the vectors...
If anyone ever wants something similar done, feel free to ask and i'll see what I can do...
EDIT: This is on the Anime fans of Moddb group because MLP is an anime, so it is relevent...
My DA: Nfus.deviantart.com
Why is it on this group.
Dude. don't you ever stop complaining?
Hello Gonzo, surprised to see me?
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