This is a mod i put together a LONG time ago but forgot about it completly so here ya go...
Ok its been a while since ive released something, hasent it? but on the other hand... Heres my semi new Lamecraft mod called Mikucraft. You can guess what its about by reading the title but if you dont know, Miku Hatsune is a Japanese voice generator. I have only made changes to menu and some sounds for this version because i didnt have time to put together a texture pack but. Enjoy :)
Oh yeah and dont forget to look at my youtube channel for more updates and digital tutorials, subscribe if you like but i dont usualy do daily update anymore!
<3 the pic! :P
the pic is really cute :3
but what exactly is this?
It's nice, love it. <3 (the pic I mean...heh)
Chick is Cute :3
i mean... what this mod does?
It doesn't really do anything right now it's the earliest version I have but il tall you that it rap laces the torches with peeks, and makes the menu look better/Miku themed. Sorry.
Thank you coxiesarmy.
Your pic is really cute and the pic of this download is cute too, you are the lord of cuteness
nice :D
Very boring. Sorry, just is. It's not used by source, it was only just a texture change. Do a bit more next time?
LUL the pic is cute
I Just like this wallpaper.
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