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For After the End v0.5f. Not save compatible with AtE - WWW 1.1.2. Have you ever felt as if After the End is a bit too serious or shallow? In that case, look no further for Wild Wasteland has your back! This mod aims to add a series of features, characters, religions, and events that would be considered too silly or nonsensical for the world of After the End. In addition, WWW features a host of various bugfixes, improvements and tweaks (warning - some may be subjective!).

After the End - Wild Wild Wasteland 1.2.0
Wladrock - - 7 comments

I'd like to report a possible bug in this version of the mod.
It appears that the religious icons are misplaced and have moved to their sides, being mostly replaced by religious icons of religions next to them on the list/ledger no.4.

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Yard1 Author
Yard1 - - 62 comments

You either don't have Guruism submod enabled, or it has a broken .mod file.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Wladrock - - 7 comments

Ah, I've missed it. Thank you.

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