Adventure“Zed” is an explorative adventure into whimsical dreamworlds. This beautiful and meditative game encourages curiosity and imagination. The Dreamer...
Eagre Games is a small Central Maine-based game company developing non-violent, beautifully immersive, story-driven games.
“Zed” is an explorative adventure into whimsical dreamworlds. This beautiful and meditative game encourages curiosity and imagination. The Dreamer...
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Yendis Entertainment is a game developer who made many famous .io games, such as Krunker.io and MooMoo.io.
DigitalDNA Games is an indie game development studio, credited with developing some of the top grossing and highest user rated Xbox indie titles of all...
Named after the most mathematically horrifying animal, Team Fractal Alligatior is a one person team based in Adelaide, Australia - founded by Matt Trobbiani...
Official dev group of Gamexel Studios. Here you can find our developers on the site and see some of our works.
Group of friends working together to make awesome games, lead by Xatoku.