AdventureWarlander is a third-person action roguelike game that combines a procedurally generated world with tactical swordplay. Set in a bleak and unforgiving...
Founded in 2018, Clock Drive Games is an independent game studio based in Serbia. Following their passion to turn dreams into games, the studio consisting of 30 ambitious and inventive game devs is developing their debut title Warlander, coming to Steam in Q3/Q4 2019.
Warlander is a third-person action roguelike game that combines a procedurally generated world with tactical swordplay. Set in a bleak and unforgiving...
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Cardboard Computer - games developed by Jake Elliott & Tamas Kemenczy.
Named after the most mathematically horrifying animal, Team Fractal Alligatior is a one person team based in Adelaide, Australia - founded by Matt Trobbiani...
Mancebo games is a project dedicated to independent game development. We have published two titles on the Xbox LIVE Indie Channel: Mechanoid Army and...
Arthurian Legends is a 2.5D Medieval FPS set in a pre-Camelot world.