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Add job Report Xbox one case Art Cover at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located USA.

Posted by AlienGamingYT on

We are to busy in development of Five Nights at Whites and A Journey to a End to work on this quick fanart for our Xbox one cases. It you could can you make at least 3 types of covers.

- computer*
- Painting software*
- Email account*
- case template (Sent by AlienGaming Inc)
- Pics to put on (Sent by AlienGaming Inc)
- Text to put on (Sent by AlienGamig Inc)

You should get a email by Aliengamingink@gmail.com

To Apply

Send this back to aliengamingink@gmail.com
O I agree to get the art done before thanksgiving

My name is ________________. I am _________ yrs old
the state I live in is _____________.

O I will NOT use any other picture beside the one Aliengaming inc sends me